“Yoga is a dance between control and surrender - between pushing and letting go.” - Joel Kramer

Time definitely doesn't stop or slow down unless I ask you to hold a plank for longer than a breath ;)

The world may seem chaotic and imbalanced these days between the change of seasons, political climate, economic climate, new trends in jobs, and the fact that the pandemic has never quite ended. Stress is defined as the experience that happens when the demands in front of us outweigh the resources or reserves we have at our disposal. In other words, expectations without all the original needs. 

It is very similar to when we work through balanced poses. You are being asked to stand on one foot when you really need two. But if we switch our mindset and accept that we have all we need right within us regardless of that second foot, then we learn to find balance as we are. Just like a dog that has lost a limb but is able to learn to walk as if the limb never exist, so can we learn how to use our body with only one leg. In fact, when you wiggle that is your body working and trying to find balance, testing if leaning one way will help or the other. Think of that the next time you feel you lack the resources both physically and mentally. Allow the wiggles to find the balance.

Tips to think about when trying to find balance:

1. Physical: Reconnect with your breath

    Mental: Breath calms the mind and helps with focus

2. Physical: Gaze straight forward or slightly above the horizon

    Mental: Looking forward or up lifts your energy

3. Physical: Activate the core

    Mental: Grounds you in the present

4. Physical: Depending on the pose, draw your shoulder blades down the back

    Mental: Lifts your heart up opening your Heart Chakra opening you up to new ideas

5. Physical: Root down to stand tall by pressing into your standing leg

    Mental: Planting your feet or sitting erect helps you feel grounded and focused

6. Physical: If you have an extended limb, energize through it to keep it active: reach through your fingers, flex or point your foot, lift through the crown of your head

    Mental: Get extra sleep when overwhelmed, eat good foods, and hydrate. Energy will help you think clearer.

7. Physical: Allow wiggle to show you what works and what doesn't

    Mental: Be curious, try new things, be okay with failure as you will learn what is sucess

8. Physical: Take it slow! There is no need to rush balance postures, especially ones that move

    Mental: Yes, deadlines might be at play, however, give yourself time to think, process, and grow one moment at a time.

Have fun with this one-footed (Eka Pada) inspired flow learning to look inward for balance.


The Wind is Shifting