“It doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go. What does matter is who you are when you get there.” Max Storm

I wanted to share with you this month a few thoughts on props. Now props get a bad wrap. We often think of props as something we must use if we "can't" do something, or if we "aren't good enough." This often comes with the struggle of pride we all have in us. We see it even in real life when someone offers to help us, and don't want to accept the help for fear of feeling "weak" or "incapable."

I invite you to shift that mindset to one of "allowing us to do something," We are all made differently, physically and mentally. Props, be it blocks, blankets, bolsters, or straps allow us all to find the shape and moment in our bodies and minds. Because in the end, yoga is not how we look, but how we feel in the pose.

Poses have qualities that props allow us to access. Think of a time you have felt flighty and even standing in Tadasana feels ungrounded. By simply placing a block on your head, all of a sudden your energy grounds downward. Or maybe due to the shape of your femur, your Triangle pose only brings your arms so far toward the ground, so we use the block to bring the ground to us. Just think of how you can experience the pose differently if you are able to find groundedness and support by using the block vs wiggling and falling over without one. 

You can always feel what it feels like with a prop and then without and decide in that moment and what feels best for you that day. It might be different from your previous practice and it might be different in tomorrow's practice. Find a place that suits you in that moment. Same with anything you do in life, sometimes independence is what we all need and other times, a helping hand from a friend, colleague, or family member is what we need. Shift your mindset from the assistance being "I can't," to "allowing me to do."


"Yoga exists in the world because everything is linked." - Desikashar


If you do not sow in the spring, you will not reap in the fall.- Irish Proverb -